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A look at applicant volumes amid COVID-19 concerns

Mar 10, 2020
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With just under 80 percent of the final applicant count in for this cycle, how do applicants and applications fare compared to last year? How many schools are experiencing volume increases? What about decreases? And how many have stayed the same? Tune in to this month’s “Keeping Up to Data” podcast to find out the answers to these questions. You’ll also hear a February LSAT update; a note about the coronavirus as it pertains to our efforts to support test takers, applicants, and schools; and an answer to a podcast listener question regarding the age of law school applicants.


Hi. This is Susan Krinsky at LSAC with the March edition of Keeping Up to Data.

As of March 10, the date on which this podcast is being recorded, we—like most of you—are determining what adjustments we will need to make in the coming weeks and months relative to our test administrations and other operations to support prospective test takers and law school applicants and to support our member schools during this period when we are all concerned about the spread of coronavirus. Please know that updates are being posted on our website at

As of March 10, we have just under 80 percent of the final applicant count, based on last year’s experience. Applicants to ABA law schools are down 3.1 percent as compared to last year, and applications to ABA law schools are down 2.7 percent as compared to a year ago. Sixty-five law schools are experiencing volume increases, 124 are experiencing volume decreases, and 12 are showing no change as compared to last year.

Applicants to Canadian schools are up 1.9 percent, while applications to Canadian schools are up 5.5 percent.

As you know, the February LSAT administration took place on February 22, and we expect scores to be released on Tuesday, March 17. Approximately 10,760 individuals were registered as of the morning of the February test. The Test Registrants and Test Takers report on our website now includes a column for Reportable Scores, which excludes test takers whose scores were canceled for any reason.

One of our podcast listeners sent in a question recently about the ages of law school applicants, specifically about applicants over the age of 40. Depending on the region, between 2.5 and 4.1 percent of applicants are over the age of 40.

That’s all for this month’s podcast. Again, please check our website for any changes in test administrations or other operations. As always, we’d love to hear from you with questions or suggestions. Just write to us at [email protected]. Thanks for listening. Until next time, this is Susan Krinsky at LSAC.

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